Tumble IIRuin CastleRapid FireNinja TowerTurnboxPath SeekerRoperPopixCosmic AviatorPainty TumblerSwitchRailgunnerSkillteamPushboxTumbleRedBluePaint The BeatNgglindingShoot ItNickSnake BITePivotLongcatReplacementSquare WarsFramesJumpcadeApescapecool run 3dLittle JumpTower StackGRAvityFixelSwingers2DotsRunPlumbingBowling StarsDittoSuperkillerGreenlightColor SwitchColor ItColor BreakParkour Climb And JumpFlip outSquid GameGap Passer BotHopePopCornTetra BlocksCactu-SamaTurn The WorldBombHopperFruit JamZnakeDark CastleJellyDiffer HallReboundFloppy FishLE4PBreakpixWorm OutRed ShadowGhost GuideDashOne Line
AmongShooterSphere SpurterFire RoadClear The IslandLayerueSnek LeftBridge BuilderChirpzBall RunnerPower BoxesThis Side UpPoolK GameHelicopter EscapeCrawlers BalanceArctan


10 Classic pieces arranged in fancade! Made using the Pianist Kit by ViChyavIn!


The tiles move down, Tap on a tile to interact with a tile, if the interacted tile is white and not out of order, it will play the correct note, the white tile becomes black, you can continue to the next white tile safely, and would not lose if the tile goes offscreen, if you interact with any black tile, even a tile that is already tapped correctly, it will play a random note, display a skull, and you would lose, if you interact with a white tile out of order, it would play that tile's corresponding note, and show which tile to actually tap, and you would lose. if you let a white tile go offscreen, it would show which tile you missed and you would lose. If you tap on the final white tile, it will show you a heart and you would win. Note that the tile's positions are random.