Ninja Tower
Ruin CastleRoperPopixSwitchPushboxRedBlueShoot ItNickPivotSquare WarsFramesJumpcadeLittle JumpTower StackTumble IIGRAvityFixelPianistSwingers2DotsPlumbingDittoColor SwitchColor ItRapid FireColor BreakParkour Climb And JumpGap Passer BotPopCornCactu-SamaTurnboxFruit JamPath SeekerZnakeDark CastleJellyDiffer HallReboundFloppy FishLE4PPainty TumblerRailgunnerBreakpixGhost GuideDashSkillteamSphere SpurterClear The IslandLayerueTumbleSnek LeftBridge BuilderChirpzPower BoxesThis Side UpPoolPaint The BeatCrawlers BalanceArctanCanalsLaser Car XCube QuestLinked BotsDrop Stack BallNgglindingFloodsBoltBlockedMonster Race 3dLight BounceFlatlandMultislideBally ClassicSnake BITeSnakeManiaAwayLoadingLongcatBumbly BeeBath FloodCat Runner 1ReplacementVoidBattery Balance


Avoid traps, kill bad guys, do barrel-rolls and reach the top!


Swipe to move, get to the stairs to win. With the exception of "Demo Floor" if you move to the spikes, you lose. Barrels can be pushed in the sides where it would roll, and if it hits something, it will become immovable. Enemies, if hit by anything, will disappear.